
History of ACI
The Aero Club of India (ACI), then known as Royal Aero Club of India and Burma Ltd., was inaugurated in the year 1927, along with Directorate of Civil Aviation (DCA). Since its inception and till independence (1927-1947) the DCA and Aero Club worked in close cooperation.
The Club functioned as a branch of the Royal Aero Club of Great Britain till Independence. In fact, the Constitution of the Club was drawn up along the lines of the Royal Aero Club of Great Britain. During the World War II (1939-1945) the activities of the club were practically suspended.
The Club was affiliated to the Royal Aero Club as well as to the Societe Aviation Internationale.
The Early Years
The Aero Club was responsible for quite a few of the present day regulatory matters such as issue of Aviation Certificates which is equivalent to the present day Pilot License. The Aviators’ Certificates were issued by ACI up to 1949. In all 746 Aviators’ Certificates were issued.
To mention a few:

J.R.D. Tata
1st Certificate in Feb 1929
Nationality – British
First Certificate

Bhagat Behari lal
5th Certificate in Mar 1929
Nationality – Indian
First Indian National

Ms Sylla Petit
11th Certificate in May 1929
Nationality – British
First Lady

Mrs Urmila K. Parekh
97th Certificate in May 1930
Nationality – Indian
First Indian Lady
ACI has actively participated by providing support and facilities to the notable air races between England and Australia. It was the authority to issue carnets and obtain diplomatic permits for certain countries. The Aero Club was also authorised to issue licenses for arms, cameras and wireless. It was the recognised body to supervise and issue regulations for Flying Meets and to take official records of test flights in the country.
ACI proudly hosted two FAI General Conferences, the first on 21st – 28th November 1970 in New Delhi and then again on 17th – 23rd November 1985 in New Delhi.
Leadership Legacy
The Aero Club functioned as a branch of the Royal Aero Club of Great Britain till independence. It has been headed and patronised by the heads of Government of India and has always enjoyed official support and patronage since its inception.
- Sir Victor Sasoon, a noted industrial magnate and philanthropist, was the prime motivator in the formation of the Club.
- The Viceroy of India and Burma was its Patron-in-Chief.
- The Commander-in-chief of India was the President of the club.
- The Director General of Posts and Telegraphs was the Vice President of the club.
After India became independent in 1947, the Club was re-constituted as the Aero Club of India Ltd.
- Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the then Prime Minister of India became its first President from 1948 to 1957.
- Pandit Hirday Nath Kunzru, Member Constituent Assembly of India was Vice President.
- In 1984 Capt Rajiv Gandhi became its President and continued to be its President till he assumed the office of the Prime Minister of India.
Currently Capt Rajiv Pratap Rudy, Member of Parliament is the President of Aero Club of India and Shri Milind Mahajan is the Vice-President.
Some of its members have been conferred with National Awards for achieving, distinction in Aero Sports. The achievements of many Indians have been recognised by FAI, these can be found listed on the FAI website and ACI’s Hall of Fame.